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Obchodná rada pre strednú a východnú Európu (SVE) z 9. februára 2021

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Vážený pán Taurani,

V mene FICCI vám ďakujeme za účasť na otváracom zasadnutí obchodnej rady strednej a východnej Európy, ktoré sa konalo 9. februára 2021, a zdieľanie vášho cenného pohľadu na identifikáciu a konceptualizácie stratégií na podporu a posilnenie obchodných a ekonomických vzťahov medzi Indiou a krajiny strednej Európy.

Uprostred súčasnej pandemickej doby bol prostredníctvom brainstormingových stretnutí urobený zásadný začiatok pre prekreslenie a nové vymedzenie obrysov činností a iniciatív, ktoré treba podniknúť pri rozvíjaní obchodných a investičných väzieb medzi Indiou a krajinami SVE v časoch pandémie.

Ústredným bodom zasadnutia bolo prerokovanie a schválenie Agendy a mandátu (ZP) všetkými členmi Rady, ktorí sa zúčastnili alebo boli nominovaní.

Ešte raz vám chceme poďakovať a tešíme sa na vašu podporu a vedenie pri úspešnom implementácii programu Rady v nadchádzajúcich časoch.

S pozdravom,

Rohit Sharma
Director & Head-Europe, CIS and Turkey Division
Industry 's Voice for Policy Change
Federation House, Tansen Marg,
New Delhi- 110 001.

Zápisnica z porady


INDIA - OBCHODNÉ RADA PRE strednú a východnú Európy (ICEEBC)

9. februára 2021; 1600 HRS

Minutes of Meeting


  1. FICCI launched the India-Central and Eastern Europe Business Council on February 9, 2021, on the WebEx virtual platform. The meeting witnessed the select representation of Indian industry as new council members, focused to explore and enhance Indian business relations in regions of Central and Eastern Europe.
  2. The inaugural address was presented by Mr. Dilip Chenoy, Secretary-General, FICCI. He welcomed all the members of the Council. He stated that “CEE region is the microcosm of the very best in terms of new and clean technologies, processes and expertise in manufacturing, world-class human resources, and business infrastructure.” He encouraged members to collectively provide advice and guidance to specifically identify and recommend strategies to increase economic cooperation between the regions.
  3. The meeting progressed with a round of introductions by the Council members. KS Kumar, Chief Commercial Officer, Sutherland Global, nominated as the Chair of the FICCI India Central and Eastern Europe Business Council led the discussions forward.
  4. The agenda of the meeting included approval of Terms of Reference (ToR) of ICEEBC, finalize nomination of the Council’s Co-Chair, agree upon the financial and intellectual support from Council members, identify potential sectors for collaboration and the way forward until the next meeting of the Council.
  5. The Council members agreed to share information about the CEE region (top 5 countries, top 10 sectors, issues, opportunities) to prepare an agenda for the Council for the year 2021 by end of February. Accordingly, FICCI will collate the necessary inputs/ comments from its Council members and document the details for further circulation and as an immediate reference point.
  6. The Chair advocated the idea to arrange a review/performance plan for the activities and initiatives proposed by the Council. Quarterly review meetings by the Council for the same were, therefore, suggested.
  1. The Council agreed to organize Dialogues with Ambassadors/ High Commissioners/ Commercial Counsellors of Indian Embassies abroad and Foreign Missions in India to present the Council’s agenda, seek their views and understand the existing priorities of the Indian Government and the foreign country of focus through virtual/hybrid meetings. JJ Singh suggested Poland has the first country of focus as the Foreign Minister of Poland is likely to visit India in April 2021.


  1. Similarly, the Council suggested proposing meetings during the sidelines of High-level visits and Business Forums in the coming months such as the EU-India Summit on May 8th,2021; 5th Edition of India Central Europe Business Forum, July 2021 in partnership with the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India.
  2. Some of the sectors for future collaboration suggested by the Council include Information Technology, shipbuilding, food processing, pharmaceuticals, Healthcare and medical equipment, Chemicals (Suggestion to collaborate with Cefic, European Chemical Industry Council). Further sectors will be added once inputs received from all Council members.
  3. The Chair suggested having a meeting with Ms. Neeta Bhushan, Joint Secretary (CE), Ministry of External Affairs to seek her view to craft the agenda for the Council aligning with the Indian Government’s priorities and vision to strengthen India’s investment relations with the CEE region.
  4. The members of the Council mutually agreed upon the Terms of Reference (ToR) and the Council’s action plan for the next year.
  5. The Council announced that the next meeting will be held on April 7, 2021, at FICCI Federation House, New Delhi.
  6. Manish Singhal, Deputy Secretary-General, FICCI delivered the vote of thanks at the end of the launch meeting of the India Central and Eastern Europe Business Council


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